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Other Titles: | Petrus Reicher de Pirawart |
Authors: | PETRUS REICHER DE PIRCHENWART | | J. J. Locher, Speculum Academicum Viennense, seu Magistratus Antiquissimae et celeberrimae Universitatis Viennensis, a primo ejusdem ad nostra tempora chronologice, historice, et lemmatice exhibitus; Viennae, typ. Leopoldi Joannis Kaliwoda 1773 (esp. pp. 9-10, 63, 141). – Schrauf (ed.), Die Gedachtnistafeln der Wiener Universitats-Rectoren, 1365-1893, 2 voll., Wien, Sebstverlag der K.K. Universitat, 1893; vol. I, pp. 8-9. – P. Uiblein (ed), Die Akten der Theologischen Fakultat der Universitat Wien (1396-1508), Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Osterreichs, vol. 1, Wien 1978, pp. 443-445. – I. W. Frank, Hausstudium und Universitatsstudium der Wiener Dominikaer bis 1500, Archiv fur Österreichische Geschichte, vol. 127; Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1968, pp. 201-202. – W. Courtenay, “From Dinkelsbuhl’s Quesiones Communes to the Vienna Group Commentary. The Vienna ‘School’, 1415-1425”; in Nicholas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century, Brinzei (ed.), Studia Senteniarum 1, Brepols 2015, pp. 268-315 (esp. pp. 268, 277-284, 296, 299). – W. Courtenay, Theological disputations at Vienna in the early fifteenth century. Harvard, ms. lat. 162, in “Bulletin de philosophie médiévale”, vol. 53 (2011), pp. 385-401 (esp. pp. 387-388,). – E. Lukacs, Some further theological disputations at Vienna in the fifteenth century, in “Bulletin de philosophie médiévale”, vol. 58 (2016), pp. 325-353 (esp. pp. 325-327, 331, 335, 340-341). – U. Zahnd, Plagiats individualisés et stratégies de singularisation. L’evolution du livre IV du commentaire commun des Sentences de Vienne, in Nicholas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century, Brinzei (ed.), Studia Senteniarum 1, Brepols 2015, pp. 85-163 (esp. pp. 122-135, 155-157). – M. Brinzei, I. Curut, “From author to Authority: The Legacy of James of Eltville in Vienna”, in The Cistercian James of Eltville († 1393). Author in Paris and Authority in Vienna, M. Brinzei, C. Schabel (eds.), Studia Sententiarum 3, Brepols 2018, pp. 419-478 (esp. pp. 423-433). – M. Brinzei, “Stanislaus of Znojmo and the Arrival of Wyclif’s Remanence Theory at the University of Vienna”, dans Wycliffism and Hussitism: Contexts, Methods, Impact, Responses, ed. K. Ghosh, P. Soukup, M. Bose, E. Solopova, (forthcoming). – U. Zahnd, “Disputing without socii. The principum on Book IV of Conrad of Rothenburg, Vienna 1408/09”; in The Rise of a New Genre of Scholasticisim: Principia on the Sentences in the Fourteenth Century, ed. M. Brinzei, W. Duba, Studia Sententiarum 6, Brepols, forthcoming. – M. Esu, “Iuxta scholarum theologicarum consuetudinem hactenus observatam. The principium on IV book of Petrus of Pirchenwart, Vienna 1417,”in The Rise of a New Genre of Scholasticisim: Principia on the Sentences in the Fourteenth Century, ed. M. Brinzei, W. Duba, Studia Sententiarum 6, Brepols, forthcoming. | | 13.. | | 1436 | | 13.. | | 1436 | | | | Wien | | Thema: Humili desiderio ego inscius ingenioque pusillus, ad superbenedictae trinitatis et totius coelestis curiae laudem aliorumque profectum ac mei utilitatem mihi permultum necessariam desiderans arduum hunc salutis portum. -PIV: Utrum liber vite infallibilis generatio creature rationalis sit Ihesus redemptor humani generis et Christus in seculi fine iudicialiter appariturus singulis. |
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