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Other Titles: Andrzej z Kojorzyna
Authors: ANDREAS DE KOKORZINA M. Markowski, “La replique d’Andre de Kokorzyn au ‘Principium’ de Jean de Kluczbork du ms. de la Bibl. De l’Un. De Wroklaw I Q. 376” in Mediaevalia Philosophica Polonorum 10 (1961), pp. 50–54. - M. Markowski, Wyklad wstepny Andreja z Kokorzyna, Materialy i Studia Zakl. Hist. Filoz. Staroz. I Sredn, 2, seria A Materialy do hist. Filoz. Sredn. W Polsce, Warszawa 1962, pp. 3-51, edition pp. 13-51 Z. Pietrzyk, “Andrzej z Kokorzyna, (ok. 1379-1435)”, pp. 19-21, at p. 20, in (accessed on 8. 03. 2021). -M. Markowski, “Pogłądy filozoficzne Andrzeja z Kokorzyna” in Studia Mediewistyczna 6, (1964) pp. 55–136. -P. W. Knoll, “The worst heretic:” Andrzej Gałka of Dobczyn in the academic and ecclesiastical context of mid-15th century Kraków and Poland” in The Polish Review, 54 (2009), pp. 3-29, at p. 9. - P. W. Knoll, “A pearl of powerful learning. The University of Cracow in the Fifteenth Century”, Leiden - Boston, 2016, p. 349, p. 488, p. 646, p. 652. 1379 obtained his bachelor degree in liberal arts in 1399 in Prague. -magister artium in 1402 in Prague. -in Prague he studied under Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague. It seems that he was colleague with Nicolaus Coslowsky at the Arts Faculty in Prague. -in 1406 dean of the Arts Faculty in Kraków. -in 1409 he began his studies at the Faculty of Theology in Kraków, his professor was Nicholas of Pyzdry. -from 1414-1420 he interrupted his studies in Theology. -rector of the University of Krakow for 3 times: 1408, 1426, 1429 (summer). 1435 cum divine essentie simplicissima unitate et benedicta personali Trinitate tantum unum Deum possit ostendi demonstrabili probabilitate
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