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dc.contributor.authorPETRUS GRACILISen_US
dc.titleIohannes de Florentiaen_US
debate.associate.bibliographyCUP III, 359, p. 566 ; T. Sullivan, Parisian Licentiates in Theology, A.D. 1373-1500. A Biographical Register. Vol.1: The Religious orders, Leiden – Boston 2003, pp. 16, 175 ; V. Marcolino, "Zum Abhängiskeitsverhältnis der Sentenzenkommentare der Augustinertheologen Petrus Gracilis (+1393) und Iohannes von Basel (+1392)", in Analecta Augustiniana 71 (2008), pp. 493-529, here p. 499 A. Bernstein, Pierre d’Ailly and the Blanchard Affair, Leiden 1978, pp. 111-112 ; A. Dal Pino Franco, Spazi e figure lungo la storia dei Servi di Santa Maria (secoli XIII-XX), Rome, 1997, p. 318, n. 11;
debate.associate.otherorderOSM until 1387, and OSB. from 1387en_US
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