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Title: Petrus de Alliaco
debate.associate.bibliography-Ed. Petrus de Alliaco, Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum. Principia et questio circa prologum, ed. Monica Brinzei, t. 1, (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 258), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 108-128. - C. Schabel, “Redating Pierre d’Ailly’s Early writings and Revisiting His Position on the Necessity of the Past and the Future”, in Pierre d’Ailly un espirt universel à l’aube du XVe siècle, ed. J.-P. Boudet, M. Brinzei, F. Delivré, H. Millet, J. Verger, M. Zink, Académie des inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2018, pp. 61-82 - M. Brinzei, “Nouveau survol des écrits de Pierre d’Ailly : de la tradition manuscrite aux premiers imprimés”, dans Pierre d’Ailly: un esprit universel à l’aube du XVe siècle, ed. J.-P. Boudet, M. Brinzei, F. Delivre, H. Millet, J. Verger, M. Zink, Academie de Belle Lettres 2019, pp. 267-291 - W. J. Courtenay, “Theological Bachelors at Paris on the Eve of the Papal Schism. The academic environment of Peter of Candia”, in Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages, ed. K. Emery, R. Friedman, A. Speer, Brill 2011, pp. 945-948 - C. Schabel, “Redating Pierre d’Ailly’s Early writings and revisting his position on the necessity of the past and the future,” in Pierre d’Ailly un esprit universel à l’aube du XVe siècle, ed. J.P. Boudet, M. Brinzei, F. Delivré, H. Millet, J. Verger, M. Zink, Académie des Inscription et Belles-Lettres, Paris 2019, pp. 61-82
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